Five-Minute Standout: Thank You Notes for Home Building and Remodeling Contractors

Our home building and remodeling clients come to us looking for big picture marketing ideas. Don't get us wrong, those plans matter! But, a significant part of marketing yourself in the home building and remodeling industry lies in the little things. 

It's the thoughtful details that add up to create a memorable client experience for home building and remodeling clients.

These are the kind of things that make you rise above the competition, the moments that inspire someone to write that glowing Houzz review or recommend you to a friend. 

Our first five-minute standout practice: writing thank you notes! 

Do you send your clients thank you notes? If not, here's why we think they're worthwhile:

  • Handwritten cards are personal

  • Notes demonstrate your appreciation

  • Thank you's show you thought about them

  • Cards make people feel special

  • People receive less mail - it's novel now

  • It humanizes your business

Thank you card

Convinced thank you notes are right for your business? Follow this easy list to get started! 

  1. Create a branded thank you card - order a year's worth of your design.

  2. Organize everything together - make sure you're ready to go as needed. Card, envelopes, stamps, messages, etc.

  3. Assign someone to manage thank you's - it's ok if you don't have time.

  4. Add the new step to your building process - set a specific time to mail notes. Is it after an initial meeting, is it 30 days after project completion? You choose. (and cards should also be sent at random when you feel it's necessary)

  5. Send thank you cards - make your clients feel valued! :)
